Creating graphs

A graph consists of nodes which represent some objects or values and edges which express a relation between this objects.

graphs has a default builder --> that you can use with arbitrary node types. By importing this builder, you can instantly start creating simple graphs:

sourceimport com.flowtick.graphs._
import com.flowtick.graphs.defaults._

val graph: Graph[Unit, String] =
  Graph.fromEdges(Set("A" --> "B", "B" --> "C", "D" --> "A"))


Edges can also have values associated with them, for example a distance between nodes that represent locations.

Numeric edge values can be used in algorithms like Dijkstras algorithm to find the shortest path between two nodes.

sourceval cities: Graph[Int, String] = Graph.fromEdges(
    "Frankfurt" --> (85, "Mannheim"),
    "Frankfurt" --> (217, "Wuerzburg"),
    "Frankfurt" --> (173, "Kassel"),
    "Mannheim" --> (80, "Karlsruhe"),
    "Wuerzburg" --> (186, "Erfurt"),
    "Wuerzburg" --> (103, "Nuernberg"),
    "Stuttgart" --> (183, "Nuernberg"),
    "Kassel" --> (502, "Muenchen"),
    "Nuernberg" --> (167, "Muenchen"),
    "Karlsruhe" --> (250, "Augsburg"),
    "Augsburg" --> (84, "Muenchen")


In graphs the core type is the Graph type.

It is parametrized over three types:

  • the value type of the edges (named E)
  • the value type of the node (named N)

The meta value allows carrying additional information on the graph itself like a description or groups / layers of nodes. In graphs transformations are defined on nodes, which is why the node type is on the right side of the type parameter list.

A value of a graph instance of type Graph[Double, String] would be described as

a graph with edges of type Double value connecting nodes of type String

Graph has common methods to work with graph instances:

sourcetrait Graph[E, N] {
  def nodeId: Identifiable[N]
  def edgeId: Identifiable[E]

  def edges: Iterable[Edge[E]]
  def nodes: Iterable[Node[N]]

  def nodeIds: Iterable[String]
  def edgeIds: Iterable[String]

  def findNode(id: String): Option[Node[N]]
  def findEdge(id: String): Option[Edge[E]]

  def updateNode(id: String)(f: N => N): Graph[E, N]
  def updateEdge(id: String)(f: E => E): Graph[E, N]

  def removeNodeById(nodeId: String): Graph[E, N]
  def removeEdgeById(edgeId: String): Graph[E, N]

  def removeNode(node: Node[N]): Graph[E, N] = removeNodeById(
  def removeEdge(edge: Edge[E]): Graph[E, N] = removeEdgeById(

  def removeNodeValue(node: N): Graph[E, N] = removeNodeById(nodeId(node))

  def incoming(nodeId: String): Iterable[Edge[E]]
  def outgoing(nodeId: String): Iterable[Edge[E]]

  def successors(nodeId: String): Iterable[Node[N]] =
    outgoing(nodeId).flatMap(edge => findNode(
  def predecessors(nodeId: String): Iterable[Node[N]] =
    incoming(nodeId).flatMap(edge => findNode(edge.from))

  def addNode(nodeValue: N): Graph[E, N] = withNode(Node(nodeId(nodeValue), nodeValue))
  def addNodes(nodeValues: Iterable[N]): Graph[E, N] = nodeValues.foldLeft(this)(_ addNode _)

  def addEdge(value: E, from: N, to: N): Graph[E, N] =
    withEdge(Edge.of(value, nodeId(from), nodeId(to))(edgeId))

  def withEdge(edge: Edge[E]): Graph[E, N]
  def withNode(node: Node[N]): Graph[E, N]

  def withEdgeValue(value: E, fromId: String, toId: String): Graph[E, N] =
    withEdge(Edge.of(value, fromId, toId)(edgeId))

  def withNodes(nodes: Iterable[Node[N]]): Graph[E, N] =
    nodes.foldLeft(this)(_ withNode _)
  def withEdges(edges: Iterable[Edge[E]]): Graph[E, N] =
    edges.foldLeft(this)(_ withEdge _)


Nodes and Edges have an id field of type String. Most of the graph API is built around this id. During graph creation, the id is derived from the node / edge value via the Identifiable type:

sourcetrait Identifiable[-T] {
  def apply(value: T): String

object Identifiable {

  /** creates an instance of [[Identifiable]] using the provided function */
  def identify[T](f: T => String): Identifiable[T] = (a: T) => f(a)

The defaults contain some default identities for common primitive types, for complex custom types you need to provide a corresponding instance.

Custom Graph Types

Since the graph type itself is parametrized, you can just plug in your types:

sourcefinal case class MyNode(id: String, someCustomProperty: String)

implicit val myNodeId: Identifiable[MyNode] = new Identifiable[MyNode] {
  override def apply(value: MyNode): String =

val graph = Graph.fromEdges(
    MyNode("first_node", "My first node") --> MyNode(
      "My second node"

The source code for this page can be found here.